HPT Vietnam Corporation
Smart Automatic and Analytic Lending Management (SAALEM)
HPT Smart Automated & Analytic Lending Management is solution for loan process management in banking.
It helps bank:
1. Quickly and accurately process documents related to loan applications with centralized repository of approval information and distribute legal documents internally.
2. Improve documents processing productivity.
3. Effectively manage operational and credit risks with an independent business principal management system.
4. Control and monitor the entire process of initialization, appraisal, lending, disbursement and debt collection. Therefore, accelerate the change of bank’s processes. The technology system can adapt with changes in business decision with a very small delay (1-3 days).
5. Be able to receive loan requests from different sources into Business Process Management (multi-channel). The operating process is easy to train and expand.
Value Proposition
SAALEM offer the distinction to clients:
- Safe: The risk protection mechanism is tight but flexible; analyze and identify risks
- Flexible: Flexibility in each process, easy to change; process flow parameterization, good response to different operating models; easily add new, update interface, products, related policies; support business development & operation of business rules…
- Intelligent: Record all parameters about processes, products, users…; data analysis; provide reports, visual dashboards; provide input for DW, AIML systems to predict & support future decision making…
- Speedy: Process automation; automatically rotate tasks, profiles & approvals according to predefined rules; support data entry, information reuse; automatically create minutes, reports, contracts; integration with core systems, credit rating
Benefits for banks:
- Digitize the entire process: Replace the paper work or process on many different systems into one system
- Save time: Reduce time in appraisal and approval
- Risk control at all angles: Reduce the number of operational errors, Predictability – Predictability on the basis of big data
- Increase net income and reduce salary costs
- Increased ability to adapt to the competitive business environment: when credit policies change, when designing and deploying new credit products to the market
Benefits for customers (end users):
- Simple procedures
- Fast processing time
- Accurate, transparent, clear
- Multi-channel reception
- Increase customer satisfaction
IBM Solutions Used
IBM Cloud Pak for Automation
Solution Details
- Country:
- Vietnam
- Industry:
- Banking/FSI
- Solution Type:
- Automation
Solution Specifications
Price Indication – Minimum of $500,000 for licenses (excluded deployment fee by specific cases)
Terms – On premise and on cloud licenses, consulting by specific cases
For more information, do contact us via the contact form available on this page.