PT Q2 Technologies
Securing Your Digital Transformation Journey, Starting From the Digital Identity
Digital Transaction is becoming ubiquitous in 2020 and users becoming more frequent doing digital payment on their mobile and devices. Banks need to adapt this new behaviour and ensure the transaction security to avoid malware that could result to the loss for Banks and customer. On other hand, Banks need to protect privileged internal users that accessing their critical data and application. Q2 Technologies introduces IBM Trusteer and Verify Privileged Access Management will help you to secure your digital identity for internal and external users. In a result, they will allow Banks to protect brand reputation and enhance user experience.
IBM Solutions Used
IBM Security
Solution Details
- Country:
- Indonesia
- Industry:
- Agriculture
- Banking/FSI
- Government
- Manufacturing
- Retail
- Telecommunications
- Transport/Logistics
- Solution Type:
- Security
Solution Specifications
Price Indication – Price can be provided upon request Terms – Can be provided upon request
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